2015年8月6日 星期四

【那些年.這一天】〔1966年8月5日.毛澤東撰寫《炮打司令部 — 我的一張大字報》〕

1966年8月5日.毛澤東撰寫《炮打司令部 — 我的一張大字報》
5th August 1966.Mao Zedong writes Bombard The Headquarters – My Big-Character Poster


In 1958, Mao Zedong carried out the 'Great Leap Forward'. He aimed at achieving rapid industrialization and agricultural modernization, and made China a world industrial power by 'surpassing Britain and catching up with the US' (chaoying ganmei,超英趕美) in 15 years. However, the movement failed and China faced the 'Three Years of Great Chinese Famine' (1959-1961). In early 1960s, Mao took a back seat in the politics to shoulder the responsibility.

此後,劉少奇及鄧小平等人繼起實際處理黨政事務,並推出「調整」政策以挽救危機。不過,毛澤東堅信「大躍進」的基本方針無誤,劉、鄧等人正讓國家重新走上資本主義的道路(走資),乃欲通過革命鬥爭奪權並帶領國家重返社會主義正軌,最終導致「文化大革命」(Cultural Revolution,1966-1976)的爆發。

Since then, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping started taking over the party and the government administration, and revising the economic policies to save China from national crisis. Nevertheless, Mao firmly believed that the guiding principle of the 'Great Leap Forward' was correct. He also thought Liu and Deng try to put China on the capitalist road (zouzi,走資). Thus Mao wanted to resume political power and bring China back on the right track of socialist revolution, which resulted in the outbreak of the 'Cultural Revolution' (1966-1976).

1966年5月,「文革」正式展開,部分學生於次月組成「紅衞兵」(Red Guards),誓言捍衛毛思想,嚮應「打碎舊世界」的號召。至1966年8月5日,毛澤東親自撰寫題為《炮打司令部—我的一張大字報》的大字報,不指名批評劉少奇、鄧小平等人(「某些領導同志」)是「資產階級司令部」的「司令」,紅衛兵浪潮自此迅速擴展至全國,劉、鄧等人遭大力聲討與批判,其中劉氏更在1969年底於拘禁中病逝。

In May 1966, the 'Cultural Revolution' started. Some students formed the 'Red Guards' in the next month, claiming to safeguard Maoism and 'smash the old world'. On 5th August 1966, Mao Zedong wrote Bombard The Headquarters – My Big-Character Poster. He criticized some leading comrades (targeting at Liu and Deng) as the 'commanders' of the 'bourgeois headquarters' in this provocative statement. Soon the Red Guard Movement rapidly developed into a national-wide movement. Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping were denounced and humiliated (pidou,批鬥publicly, by which Liu died under harsh treatment in late 1969.


The Red Guards went out of control under Mao's slogan of 'Rebellion is justified', they destroyed ancient monuments and fightings broke out everywhere. The movement was not subsided until Mao declared that "the intellectual youth (zhiqing,知青must be sent to the countryside to have re-education" (known as the 'Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside Movement',上山下鄉運動) in late 1968. Later, there was the rise and fall of Lin Biao and the 'Gang of Four' (siren bang,四人幫), and the 'Cultural Revolution' finally came to an end in September 1976. The 'Cultural Revolution' had lasted for a total of ten years and brought great suffering to the Chinese. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) even admitted that the ten-year revolution 'was responsible for the most severe setback and the heaviest losses suffered by the Party, the state and the people since the founding of the People's Republic'.


